Z-Ultimate Self-Defense Studios
Z-Ultimate Self-Defense Studios
give a world-class level
of service to all our members

Our mission is to inspire the men, women, and children of our communities to realize their personal best through the timeless traditions of the martial arts in an environment that is proudly built upon the more rewarding aspects of life – respect, health and happiness.
Master Christopher Diaz

Short Bio for Master Christopher Diaz
by: Estela Anaya Castanon
Master Diaz has been surrounded by martial arts and its culture since he was a young boy. Born and raised in Monterrey Park, California, he took a special interest in karate while he was growing up. He recalls observing some of his friends who were very skillful in karate and how they willingly shared with him some of their training and techniques. Christopher obtained his first black belt in 1991. During his adulthood he personally faced dangerous and violent situations, but his martial arts training provided him with the necessary skills to confront those situations courageously and victoriously. Since then, his goal has been to share his martial arts knowledge and abilities with those who most need them. This led him to relocate to Las Vegas where he managed his first dojo and established his first kempo karate academy. He then became the Tournament Director of The Biggest One Tournament in the Nation (Vegas), and the Z-Ultimate Self-defense Studios Grand Championship Martial Arts Tournament (UC Irvine, CA). Master Diaz also helped established various dojos in San Francisco, Washington State, Colorado and California. He considers himself a great fan of Chinese culture and their history. He has personally coordinated and led more than 10 Z-Ultimate China tours where more than 1,000 students had the privilege of visiting important iconic places such as Beijing, Wudang Mountains, Xian, and the Shaolin Temple. As a well-traveled individual, Master Diaz admires and appreciates the diversity of cultures around the world. He has visited Indonesia, Taiwan, Philippines, Japan, Santiago de Chile, Africa, Amsterdam, and China. Currently Master Diaz teaches martial arts at Z-Ultimate in the city of Tustin, California, where he has trained the importance and benefits of martial arts to many students of various ages and ethnic backgrounds for approximately 10 years. He enjoys teaching and sharing knowledge about martial arts and the importance of self-discipline to condition the mind and body in order to reach an optimal physical, mental, and emotional well-being of his students.

With sincere pride and appreciation of the communities we serve, we the instructors of Z-Ultimate Self-Defense Studios commit to being the best and most extreme example of its kind through the timeless traditions, philosophies, and values of the martial arts in order to be a true product of what we represent.

(714) 730-6452
Master Christopher Diaz
13112 Newport Ave Suite C
Tustin, CA 92780